After raising sheep for a number of years to gain livestock experience, we chose to raise Norwegian Fjord horses and Elk in 1998. Both were chosen with great care by their value as a quality, diverse animal. We purchased some land to grow our own hay and provide pasture for our animals. We feel it is important to raise them naturally. The foals thrive out in the hills on the prairie wool in their natural herd enviornment, growing strong and agile. When fencing, we came across the remains of an old wagon trail. Searching through local history books, we found it to be the old trail travelled by early settlers from Paradise Valley to Lloydminster. This discovery highlighted to us our role in continuing their goal to be stewards of the land. To honor the history of the land and the settlers, we decided to call our farm Lost Trail Ranch. Taking advantage of our surroundings, we've restored an old cabin in the pasture by a fishing pond for gatherings of friends and family. In winter we enjoy moonlite nights of pond hockey, cross country ski trails down the back road and bundling up to sing carols in the sleigh. We have found the Fjords to be an excellent choice for the lifestyle we lead. Their kind even temper, and their versatlity, have set them in our eyes, far ahead of many breeds.

On the hills there lies truth, beauty, and glory
As a crocus whispers a magical story:
"You belong to this land and now it is yours.
Embrace sun when it shines & rain when it pours."
Ride bikes down the backroad to pick saskatoons
And smell the wild roses when they are in bloom
Winter brings toboggans, sleighrides, and skis, too
The cold is our friend with quilts & home brew.
Each season brings memories for the years we have shared
And for every challenge ahead, we know we're prepared.
Sometimes if things don't work out as you planned
Come home, relax...and give thanks for your land.
Kerry Wilson-2002
Lost Trail Ranch
The Wilson Family
Paradise Valley, Alberta